Sunday, December 4, 2016

Cover Scent Comparison

The Whitetail Deer's best natural defense is his nose. Nothing will end a hunt faster than having a mature buck get down wind of you and catch a whiff of human odor, or gasoline, or something else not native to his natural habitat. To give you an idea of how keen a deer's sense of smell is, a human has 5 million olfactory scent receptors in their nose. A dog will have 220 million. A whitetail deer is equipped with 297 million, which will bust you before you even lay eyes on your quarry. Over the last six years I have used various different products to try to mask my scent, with varying results. I'll lay out my top 3, and give you unbiased opinions for each.

Hunters Specialties Fresh Earth
Hunters Specialties Scent-A-Way Max line has two options, odorless and fresh earth. I prefer the fresh earth, just because I would like to smell like something, rather than nothing. The fresh earth scent smells like hunting to me. I can take a whiff of a scent wafer in July, and instantly I'm taken back to the woods on a crisp autumn morning. The Scent-A-Way line has you covered for all facets of scent control. I use their laundry detergent and dryer sheets for all my hunting clothes. Before I enter the woods, I will generously spray down with their field spray. I also keep their scent wafers hanging from my tree stands, pack, and rear view mirror all season long, just remember to freshen them up every hunt to maximize their effectiveness. Hunters Specialties Fresh Earth is my go to product for scent elimination and control.

Nose Jammer
The theory behind Nose Jammer is to overload the deer's olfactory receptors with natural scents in an effort to confuse the deer into thinking you are not there. The main ingredient, Vanillin, is found naturally in deer habitat. The spray its self smells great, and reminds me of vanilla. They direct you to spray for 10 seconds on your boots, and while in your stand, apply an "X" on your tree behind you to mask any lingering odors. I used this product solely for the 2015 season and had great initial results. Deer would come in down wind constantly and pass by me without hesitation, even mature animals. Nose Jammer had one of my hit list bucks, "The 9" come within 17 yards of me dead down wind where I made a non fatal shot. That's when things got interesting. The 9 never would come within 50 yards of the tree if I was using Nose Jammer. After a good soaking rain would wash the Nose Jammer "X" off of my tree, I would see "The 9" at the base of the tree on trail cam pictures. I did a little research and found out that deer will associate smells with danger, more than location. It's my assumption that The 9 associated the strong smell of Nose Jammer with danger, thus eluding me for the remainder of the season. I know the poor shot was my fault, but I feel that Nose Jammer prevented him from giving me another opportunity. Nose Jammer will give you a shot opportunity, but you better make it count cause it won't happen again.

Conquest Scent's Evercalm is the real deal. It is harvested from pen raised deer to give you the most realistic cover scent on the market. When deer smell the Evercalm, they are relaxed, thinking that they are in a deer bedding area. I have watched as deer would smell a branch that I applied Evercalm to and dropped their ears from an alert position to a relaxed position and graze. I have harvested multiple deer from the same tree on consecutive days that has been treated with Evercalm. It comes in a deodorant style stick, and I apply it to my boots and surrounding trees. It is in a solid form, which is nice because it will still be effective on windy and rainy days. I have heard that if you are allergic to deer dander, you could have a reaction to Evercalm. Also, it is more expensive, I paid $19.99 for mine and I am on my second stick of the 2016 season. That being said, there is no way I am heading into the woods without a stick of Evercalm in my pack.

There are literally dozens upon dozens of cover scent products out there, and probably millions of opinions on which product is best. I like to pick a product and use it till I feel like it is no longer going to put me in the best position to take a mature deer. I am not paid by any company, so this is based on my successes with each product. I do not have unlimited time in the whitetail woods, so I want to get the most out of each sit. For my money, prep your camouflage with Hunters Specialties Fresh Earth, treat your boots and trees with Conquest's Evercalm, and leave the Nose Jammer at home.  


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